Case Study: Chargers Of Seville

Turning Charging Stations Into a Choir Loft

Great Useful Stuff created the original multi-device charging station in 2012, and hired me to help introduce their line of beautiful stations to new customers on Facebook in 2018. I created an ad campaign based around one song and two videos. The first, filmed live in a single shot, is an A Capella performance live-streamed onto 9 devices based on Rosini's Overture to the "Barber of Seville". The second follow-up ad shows off the chargers in a fun and dynamic way, while featuring the rest of the song and amazing performances.

Both ads have run on Facebook in a variety of ad formats and have introduced hundreds of thousands of potential coustomers to GUS in a fun and unforgetable way.

This campaign begins with a live-stream performance, introducing the music and the products. It’s format and style feel natural and part of the newsfeed, while the visuals are arresting enough to get a viewer to linger and keep watching.


Next we continued the music in retargeting ads. More than just a reminder, these ads are carefully teaching the viewer about the products utility, functionality, and design - all while feeling fun and harmonious - the same way you’ll feel when charging everything is this simple.

The Client’s Previous Top-Performing Image Ads vs. New Video Ads

Click-Through Rate:

CTR measures the % of people who, after having the ad appear in their Facebook UI, then clicked a link to visit my client's website. This chart shows that my video ads resulted in a much higher CTR than the older top-performing image ads.

CTR increased by 162.18%

Products Viewed:

Once people visit the website, they are presented with a set of products. If a visitor clicks on a product, that is considered a "product view". This chart shows that my video ads resulted in a much higher average number of products viewed per visitor.

Product views increased by 218.33%

 Post Engagement:

If a user on Facebook interacts with an ad, it is considered an instance of "post engagement". This chart shows that, combined, users were far more likely to engage with my video ads compared to the older top-performing image ads.

Engagement increased by 76,900%

 Final Data Sets

Unique CTR4.24%6.88%
Average Products Viewed0.61.91
Post Engagement Rate4.2%32.5%

Case Study: Closet Drop


The Dove Window (Documentary)