Testimonial: Transforming a Business with Video

Watch Alisha’s Testimonial About Working With Ian and Goldilocks Studios:

I began working with Alisha Ardiana’s empawthy Dog Training in 2020, and our expansive and continuing collaboration has been an amazing experience. I’ve been able to tell transformative stories through videos that she uses every day to find new clients, introduce them to her methodology, and continue their training.

In addition to making these videos, I also designed her website, and it is a shining example of the many ways videos can help a business grow and thrive.

PSA/Customer Journey

Paid Video Course (Excerpt)

Finding and working with a Dog Trainer can be emotionally difficult for many owners. Dog behavior issues, regrets about past decisions, and built up strain can all surface as strong emotions when selecting and working with a dog trainer. The videos I made for empawthy each create a space for the potential client watching to feel these emotions and know that others have been there and found a successful outcome. This type of emotional empathetic video marketing is effective at building strong lasting relationships with clients, especially those dealing with a difficult problem they are seeking a business to help them solve.

Asher’s Story

Penny & Chewy’s Story

Opal’s Story

Alisha now incorporates videos into every part of her business. Common questions or fundamental training concepts can be shared via video, testimonial videos can be sent to prospective clients to show them what to expect from the process, and Alisha’s “Gamify your Walks” program teaches her clients the fundamentals over video, day or night, as many times as they wish.

Training Byte: Meeting your dog

Training Byte: Setting Expectations

Training Byte: Where Dogs Learn


Nonprofit Fundraising (Documentary)